
Gender Reveal Party!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

So I actually had a gender reveal party back in February but I just got the pictures recently....This was my first big party that I planned. I got inspired by all the cute gender reveal parties on Pinterest, especially the one here.

Our theme was "Mustache or Bow?" and instead of going the traditional boy=blue and girl=pink, we did purple for a girl and green for a boy.

When the guests arrived, I had them wear a bow or mustache based on if they thought we were having a girl. I also had them right a little note to our baby as the guest book. 

I kept the other decorations simple with a bunting made from purple and green cards from the $1 area at Michael's. 

We made it a potluck to keep our budget small and I made rainbow chip cupcakes....the best!

So once everyone got their food and we mingled, I had one of my friends read some Old Wives' Tales to try and guess what I was having..which was really fun. It didn't really help because half said I was having a girl and half said I was having a boy.

Then we took pictures of "Team Bow" and "Team Mustache."

Team Bow :) 

Team Mustache :)

My husband was rockin' the stache!

Then came the big moment....

It's a girl! 

We had the ultrasound tech write what she thought we were having on a piece of paper and had her seal it in an envelope, then we gave the envelope to my lovely friends who took it to Party City and had them fill the box with either purple or green balloons while they went to the back of the store. So no one at our party had any idea what whether our baby was a boy or girl.

Both my husband and I were shocked because we were SO SURE that we saw boy parts on the ultrasound....but it was her umbilical cord. We are so excited for our little girl to get here! 

To thank our guests for coming we had little pots of flowers and strawberries for them to take home (which I didn't get a picture of!) and we also did a little raffle using the little flags I made for the cupcakes. I wrote a number on the back and we picked a few numbers and gave those guests gift cards to Starbucks and Jamba Juice. 

I'd say it was a success!

Here is one more fun little picture...

haha :)

-Megan :)


  1. congratulations Megan! i am so excited for you two! your baby girl is going to be amazingly loved. :)

  2. How fun! And I can't imagine the self control it took to not peak in that envelope before the big reveal.


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