
Guest Post from The Williams' Post :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I love reading "The Williams' Post", Kerrie has such an inspiring story. So....I asked her to write about living life on a mission and how we can apply that in our daily lives. Here is her response :)

Hello lovely Zip Tied readers! I'm Kerrie and I blog over at "The Williams' Post: life on a mission" and I've gotta admit -- I'm both excited and nervous about my very first time guest-blogging! Thank you Megan for asking me!

I surnamed my blog "life on a mission" because being a missionary is so important to me.  And, I believe, is the call for every Christian.

Before you start freaking out (or getting excited, who knows) that I'm telling you to sell all of your things and head to the African Bush to live out your life (although maybe you should) let me explain.

When I was in the third grade I went to a camp where I heard, for the first time, about missions.  Never before had I heard about people living their lives on the edge, maybe even in danger to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.  A light went on.  My eyes were opened. And I knew then and there that I wanted to be a missionary "when I grew up."

Fast forward to the present day.  I've now been to Jamaica, Uganda, Mexico, and India on foreign mission trips. In fact, I go to Mexico 4 or 5 times a year (it's where I met my hubby, who was on a mission trip there at the same time!).

And while I would love to live as a foreign missionary full-time, that's not God's plan for my life right now.  Right now, He has me in Small-Town Alabama -- where I am the Missions Coordinator at my church and lead community mission initiatives in the city and schools.

God has chosen to put me in a hard mission field -- America!  Where no one wants to step on toes, and less and less people want to hear about Jesus.

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus is giving instructions to His followers before His departure from Earth.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

and in Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere -- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and the ends of the earth." 

You know what that means?  Whether we are in China, India, Africa or yes, even Alabama, we are missionaries.  All of us. 

So, how can you "live life on a mission?" 
{be intentional} Look for ways to serve others. Chances are there are ministries in your town that you can get involved in. And if there aren't, start one!  It can be as simple as feeding the homeless or investing in the lives of students (check out or heck, have a FREE YARD SALE!  People will be blown away. 
{give} Money is something that is hard to let go of.  Think of ways you can give.  Maybe buy lunch for the car behind you in the drive-thru. You never know how their day is going.
{go} Go on a group mission trip.  Both foreign and domestic. 
{pray} Pray for the lost.  Pray for the hurting. Pray for God to give you opportunities. And Pray that you will be obedient when He does!

Thank you, again, Megan for inviting me to your blog today!  I truly believe God is raising up a generation of missionaries - of Christians unafraid of risking it all for the sake of the gospel ready to live 
"life on a mission!"

Thank you Kerrie for doing this guest post! 

To my awesome readers: What did you find most inspiring/applicable to your lives? Or leave your inspiring story :)

-Megan :)

DIY Time: Wall Art 3

Monday, January 16, 2012

Here is the third and final installment to the wall art series :)

This last piece was a little difficult for me!

Here's the end result:

(It actually has a lot more twigs now!)

And here is how you do it:

1. Get an old frame and spray paint it

Lovely Burnt Orange

Breathing protection....don't want to harm my baby!

The ugly old frame.

2. Find some twigs!...

I found some on top of my hutch :)

3. Attach twigs to spray painted frame, once it's dry of course!

I tried using a staple A hot glue gun works much better!

I didn't take any pictures of me hot gluing...but I think you know how to use one ;)

Then, viola! You have a cute frame with twigs :)

Now that each piece is have a three piece set for wall art :)


-Megan :) 

Bridal Shower Busy-ness!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today, my friends and I hosted a vintage lingerie shower for my best friend that's getting married next month! (She is the one I mentioned in my favorite things of 2011)

So I have been really busy crafting things for the shower and making sure everything was planned out. It paid off because it turned out really beautiful! There will be some pictures coming soon :)

Here are a few pictures of some of the crafts I made.

<3 Paper flowers for the center pieces made from tea-stained doilies and coffee filters :)
Click here for the awesome tutorial I found on Pinterest. 

<3 Sash I made for the bride-to-be using her wedding colors: blush & navy :)
She looked super cute in it! My other friend and fellow bridesmaid helped with the 
concept, so thanks Popsicle! 

<3 Tea-stained doily bunting strung with Jute string. We used it against a burlap backdrop for 
pictures, real cute. 

I am glad that the shower went so well :)  Now, there are still some crafts to do for the wedding...I'll be sure to keep you updated!

In other news, I am really trying to get my crafting business Zip Tied Creations to take off. I am making some cute things for Valentine's Day so stay posted for some pictures and maybe some tutorials :) If you wanna check out my facebook page, click here!

-Megan :)

My Favorite Moments of 2011

Friday, January 6, 2012

I feel like remembering the good times and I hope for even more good times in 2012 :)

1. Finding out I was pregnant!

2. Having a surprise birthday party  

3. My best friend getting engaged! 

4. Seeing my Mom, sister and Gram over 5 times this year! That's a big deal since they live over 700 miles away :(

5. Celebrating ONE YEAR married, woo hoo! Trip to San Fran & Bodega Bay :)

Those are my Top 5...what were some of your favorite moments of 2011?

-Megan :)

DIY Time: Wall Art 2

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hey Friends!

So.....I kinda forgot that I promised to show you my wall art :/

Blogging more consistently is definitely going to be my New Year's Resolution!

To continue with the wall art.....

I created this cute piece of art using an ugly old picture in a cool frame with some pretty fabric.


Here is what I started with....

Pretty ugly picture, right?

The Supplies:

Tacky glue mixed with equal parts water and a paint brush.

Ugly picture, cool frame, and pretty fabric.

The Steps: 

First, paint the glue on small sections at a time.

Next, press the fabric onto the picture. (You'll want the fabric to be slightly larger than the picture)

Continue painting some sections and pressing down the fabric until you have covered the whole picture.

Next flip it over and glue down the edges.

You can let it dry for about an hour or if you are impatient like me...just stick it back in the frame!

Since my picture fit in the frame, I just needed to press down the staples that were already there.

Then, Violia! You have a cute piece of art :)

What do you think?

-Megan :)

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