Ok so...I thought long and hard about what my theme should be for the 31-day blogging challenge and I chose....
If there is one thing our world is lacking in, it is kindness. I was inspired to do this theme when I was reading through Hebrews yesterday. I came across this verse:
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
-Hebrews 13:2 ESV
I think that it is important to be kind not just to the people we like, but to everyone...which I know is tough sometimes. I think that if we try this, we will find a greater joy in life like we've never known before.
So..for the next 31 days you will find ways to spread kindness in your corner of the world.
On that note, here is #1:
Smile! :) Here I am in my PJ's giving you my best brightest smile, haha. But seriously, try smiling at a stranger today. It could brighten their day! I know it has brightened mine when a stranger smiles at me.
Remember it only takes 14 muscles to smile and 72 to frown! (I can't scientifically prove that...but you get the point.)
I think I am gonna need to send these posts to some people I am friends with on facebook, maybe they will take a hint lol