Is it bad that I got bored of posting about the same thing every day??...even though it was about kindness?
Maybe. can be remedied! I decided to list the rest of the ways to spread kindness and be done with it today, yay!
15. Support the local economy and go eat at a Mom & Pop shop
16. Be aware of global issues and see what you can do about it..example: human trafficking
17. Only say positive things for one ENTIRE day
18. When driving let the other driver go first, give them a nice wave too!
19. Do an extra task at work for the person on the shift after you
20. Offer to babysit for free so a couple can have a date night
21. Sponsor a child...World Vision, Compassion
22. Adopt-a-Solider
23. Let someone with fewer items go in front of you at the grocery store
I'll admit that at this point my creativity was waning so I Googled "ways to spread kindness" and I found this awesome page that has 100 ways!...way more than me. So I'll leave you to fill in the blanks :)
What are some of YOUR tips for being kind?
P.S. I'd like to give a shout out to my little sister Melanie for planting the idea of "spreading kindness" in my mind! Love you precious baby sister.
That is an adorable picture. It almost makes me hate you a little for being so adorable. :)