
When you Feel Like God isn't Hearing your Prayers

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

One of the things that annoy me to no end is when my kids ask me to get them something repeatedly. I am not annoyed by the act itself because I want to give them anything they might need or want but what annoys me is HOW they ask me. 

It goes something like this: “I want a snack, snack, SNACK, SNACK.” In a chant. 

They are too busy chanting to even hear what I've said. I have to bend down to their level and tell them to stop chanting. I ask if they have even heard me, their answer is no. I tell them to ask me kindly, only one time, and to please listen for my answer. 

One day during this scenario, I thought this is probably why I can’t hear from God sometimes. I’m too busy chanting, “Comfort, Comfort, Comfort.” or “Why? Why? WHY?!”

I get too focused on my request that I can’t hear God answer me. He doesn’t yell over my chanting like I sometimes do to my own children. He bends down, cups my face in his hands and asks me, “Do you hear me? Let’s try this again.” He sent Jesus down to us, down to our level. He sees us in our need and answers us but we have to listen. 

His voice is still, small. 

Whenever I catch myself chanting my prayers like my daughters chant snack requests, I force myself to get quiet, to try again. To say my request and then listen for his response. He is always waiting, ready to meet my need for Him. He’s always there when my heart is ready to listen.  Just like He promises in his word.

James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” 

What reminds you to stop and listen for God’s voice?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such a poignant illustration! Thank you for this nugget. I usually don't remember to sit and listen until I've exhausted myself with asking.


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