
The Power of the Swap

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I'm not shy about admitting that life as a mom can be hard. It seems like there is always a million things to be done and then they have to get done again. (Hi, Laundry!) I feel like I am constantly looking for ways to make my life easier and I have found one that I just want to tell everyone about.

The Swap.

Yes. It's a simple as it sounds, you get together with a bunch of other moms/people and share a task so you can all get it done. It's amazing. I just experienced the power of the swap when I participated in a quiet book swap with the Quiet Book Queen.  Every lady in the swap made 20 copies of the same page for a quiet book and then we got together and swapped 'em. The end result was two quiet books with 20 fun pages! (If you are confused about what a quiet book is, it's a book made from felt that keeps your kids busy!) Now I have Christmas presents for my kids finished in September #winning.

Now that you know this information, I challenge you to participate in a swap or even organize one! I've heard of babysitting swaps and freezer meal swaps, I wonder if anyone would participate in a laundry swap or a coffee delivery swap?

Let me know of any swap ideas you come up with!

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