
My Favorite Moments of 2011

Friday, January 6, 2012

I feel like remembering the good times and I hope for even more good times in 2012 :)

1. Finding out I was pregnant!

2. Having a surprise birthday party  

3. My best friend getting engaged! 

4. Seeing my Mom, sister and Gram over 5 times this year! That's a big deal since they live over 700 miles away :(

5. Celebrating ONE YEAR married, woo hoo! Trip to San Fran & Bodega Bay :)

Those are my Top 5...what were some of your favorite moments of 2011?

-Megan :)


  1. Yay! Babies and weddings!!! Maybe one of your top 5 next year will be me getting engaged! hahahahah...but seriously...

  2. What an awesome year! You two are such cuties! I was so happy to find your blog today! I've always wanted to go to San seems like such an awesome city.

  3. Thank you, I am glad you found my blog too :) San Fran is definitley a very interesting city, there is a lot to see that I haven't seen yet!

  4. Awh these are all such wonderful things! Esp the first one! Congratulations, honey!

    I am s u p e r excited to be your newest follower!
    Biggest love,
    Victoria from Unlock Your World

  5. Thanks! and Thanks for following me :)


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