
Saturday in Old Town

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This past Saturday, my lovely husband planned a date for us! It was kinda recreating our first date which was in Old Town Clovis. We had a good time walking around, eating at Luna's Pizzeria, getting Fresno State Ice Cream, and messing around with our camera settings. :)

Super cute little shop we found that sells neat metal letters and this cool stuff
called Chalk Paint that makes distressing super easy!

Fish eye lens....haha!
Eating at Luna's, they have the best garlic bread I've ever had!

Java Jolt Fresno State Ice Cream...the best!

How was your weekend?

-Megan :)

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Two Weddings and a Lesson

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sometimes in the business of daily life its hard to remember the sacred. I was reminded of the sacredness of marriage this past weekend when my husband and I attended two weddings. Both were very different but both gave me a sense of conviction that I needed to hear.

Our life has become so busy with a new job and little baby. Laundry, to-do lists…etc. that I kinda forgot what I promised my husband on our wedding day. Back then I didn’t really think about the gravity of the words that I was promising before my friends, family, and God.

Some things I want to remember:
-Covenant vs. Contract
Covenant: you do what you promised even if the other person doesn’t do what they promised
Contract: it is broken if one person doesn’t do what they promised

-Every marriage needs three things: Faith, Hope, and Love
Faith in Jesus Christ, Hope in each other: Holding On Praying Expectantly, & Love…unconditional love.

-Husbands and Wives are different because they are a man and a woman, God made us to be different. 

- When we reject each other, we are rejecting ourselves because we are one. 

Baby Sawyer has arrived!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So...I have been slacking a little in blogging lately, but I had a baby so I figured it was a good excuse :)

Sawyer Kaye
Born July 2, 2012
7 lbs 3 oz
20.5 inches

Mixed Media Monday: Smash Book Embellishments

Monday, July 2, 2012

I am officially in love with smash books! I have begun adding pictures to my pre-embellished pages and I'm finding it so much easier and more fun than plain old scrapbooking! If you haven't tried smashing, I highly recommend it!

Here are some of the embellishments that I added to my baby smash book:

I cut out some tags out of pretty paper & placed them random spots.

Cute little bunting :)

The rest of her ultrasounds...I sewed them to the page so that they can be viewed in accordion style. 

Leftovers from her gender reveal party.

This was the envelope that said, "Probably a girl" for the gender reveal party so I just hole punched it right in. 

Where her little footprints will go. 

Cute tag cutouts from leftover scrap paper.

Owl cutouts made by my friends from my baby shower.

Paper doily envelope, I used this neat tutorial from Pinterest. 

Mini Paper Doilies...I have an obsession with doilies! 

Just some more paper scraps.

I had so much fun adding the embellishments because it can be whatever you want!
What would you add? :)
-Megan :)

Mixed Media Monday: Smash Book Cover

Monday, June 25, 2012

This M^3, I am going to show you how I made the cover to my baby smash book that I started last week. It was super easy and fun!

What you'll need:
-Really thick cardboard
-pretty paper
-Mod Podge
-box cutter
-foam brush
-heavy books
-Liquitex Matte Medium
-Paper doily
-wax paper
-Letter cut outs/stickers

1. I had to figure out the dimensions I wanted. I measured my paper that I cut out for the inside and it was 12" by 9" I cut out two pieces that size out of some think cardboard I had in my junk bin.

(At first I tried to use Luckily I had a box cutter!)

2. I measured out where to place the holes so that it rings can be slipped into it. I did this by placing one of my papers over the cardboard and marking the holes. 

3. I picked out some pretty fabric for the cover (I love the polka dots!) and left about 2" around the each cardboard piece. 

4. I used Mod Podge and a foam brush to glue the fabric down. Make sure to press hard to get out all the air bubbles!

5. I flipped it over to glue the edge to what will be the inside cover. I trimmed some fabric off the edges so that they wouldn't get bulky by cutting a diagonal piece off. 

(If you have wet spots come through, don't worry it will dry clear!)

6. I let the covers dry for a couple of hours under some really heavy books, so that they will remain flat. 

7. After they were dry, I got started on the inside of the cover, by picking out some pretty scrapbook paper. Then I measured it to be a little smaller than the cover, so that a little of the purple polka dot fabric would show. This came out to be 11" by 8". 

8. Once I cut them out, then I used Mod Podge to glue them down. I let them dry again for another couple of hours under heavy books. 

9. Once they dried, I used the awl to poke the holes into the fabric that I made in step 2. Then I slipped the metal rings through, viola! 

10. Now I wanted to have the front cover decorated a little bit on the outside, so I glued down a paper doily for a little girly touch. I didn't really want the glossy finish of the Mod Podge so I used Liquitex Matte Medium to glue it on. I let it dry again for a couple of hours, but I put wax paper on top of it before placing books on it so it wouldn't glue to them. 

11. The next day, my friend came over with her Cricut machine and we cut out my daughter's name to go on the front... unfortunately, I don't have pictures of us in action....but here is the cover, I plan on putting her birthday on when I find out....hopefully it is sometime this week! :)

Stay tuned for next MMM....I'll show you the embleshing I did on the inside. 

If you've done any smash booking, please post links in the comments so I can see your work too! 

-Megan :) 

How People Planned Weddings without Pinterest

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

SO do you remember this website, I am pretty sure it's Pinterest's grandma or mother because basically you do the same thing as "like" pages on the internet instead of "pinning" them to a specific board. I just remembered it last night (why? I do not know) so I logged into my old account to see what I liked I realized that I got a lot of ideas for my wedding from there! 

Which surprised me because I was complaining to my friends one day that if Pinterest was around when I got married, I would have done a lot more crafty things, but hello! I already kinda had a wedding pin board on my Stumble Upon shame on me.

Anyway, I know this was really random. 

BUT! here are a few links that I used in my wedding planning if you'd like to check 'em out and kick it old school with Stumble Upon. 

 This page inspired my guestbook

My actual guestbook, people still try to find their names when
they come over! 
Unique guest book idea
Taken from the link.

This wedding inspired my
 favors: little bags of coffee, I also really loved the style of this wedding! 
Taken from the link.

My actual favors

photo booth save the date card.
Taken from the link.

site inspired our Save the Date. 

And unfortunately....I can't find the file for our save the date...but it was cute!

We had an iPod reception. and it was the best dance party of my life! 

Photo credit: my stepdad :)
There you have you can plan your wedding without Pinterest!

If you got married before the Pinterest did you plan it?

-Megan :)

Gender Reveal Party!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

So I actually had a gender reveal party back in February but I just got the pictures recently....This was my first big party that I planned. I got inspired by all the cute gender reveal parties on Pinterest, especially the one here.

Our theme was "Mustache or Bow?" and instead of going the traditional boy=blue and girl=pink, we did purple for a girl and green for a boy.

When the guests arrived, I had them wear a bow or mustache based on if they thought we were having a girl. I also had them right a little note to our baby as the guest book. 

I kept the other decorations simple with a bunting made from purple and green cards from the $1 area at Michael's. 

We made it a potluck to keep our budget small and I made rainbow chip cupcakes....the best!

So once everyone got their food and we mingled, I had one of my friends read some Old Wives' Tales to try and guess what I was having..which was really fun. It didn't really help because half said I was having a girl and half said I was having a boy.

Then we took pictures of "Team Bow" and "Team Mustache."

Team Bow :) 

Team Mustache :)

My husband was rockin' the stache!

Then came the big moment....

It's a girl! 

We had the ultrasound tech write what she thought we were having on a piece of paper and had her seal it in an envelope, then we gave the envelope to my lovely friends who took it to Party City and had them fill the box with either purple or green balloons while they went to the back of the store. So no one at our party had any idea what whether our baby was a boy or girl.

Both my husband and I were shocked because we were SO SURE that we saw boy parts on the ultrasound....but it was her umbilical cord. We are so excited for our little girl to get here! 

To thank our guests for coming we had little pots of flowers and strawberries for them to take home (which I didn't get a picture of!) and we also did a little raffle using the little flags I made for the cupcakes. I wrote a number on the back and we picked a few numbers and gave those guests gift cards to Starbucks and Jamba Juice. 

I'd say it was a success!

Here is one more fun little picture...

haha :)

-Megan :)
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